"Phobien sind eine Form der Angstneurose, wobei sich die Angst auf etwas Konkretes bezieht, z.B. auf Bedrohungserlebnisse, bestimmte Objekte oder Situationen. Ein allen Phobien gemeinsames Element ist der Kontrollverlust, denn die Handlungsebene der Betroffenen gehorcht nicht mehr ihrem Verstand, die Wahrnehmung der Realität entzieht sich ebenso der Ratio wie die Handlungsebene. (Stangl, 2019)."
"Phobias are a form of anxiety neurosis, whereby the fear relates to something concrete, e.g., threatening experiences, certain objects or situations. A common element of all phobias is the loss of control, because the level of action of the affected person no longer obeys their reason, the perception of reality eludes reason just as much as the level of action (Stangl, 2019)."
Stangl, W. (2019). Stichwort: 'Phobie'. Online Lexikon für Psychologie und Pädagogik. WWW: (2019-09-19)
In the performance PHOBIA, Chi Him Chik and Lara Süß face their inner demons. The two performers design a musical theater in which they challenge each other, push each other to their limits and grow beyond them. They balance on the fine line between control and loss of control, they provoke each other in order to expand and exhaust their playful possibilities and abilities. The breath creates the connection between the vocal artist and the saxophonist, lets them experience their physical finiteness and makes them emotionally approachable. They challenge the audience to deal with their own fears.
They vary and manipulate their sound through challenging positions and movements. You also play with the influence of emotionality on musical expression, always looking for new facets of sound and sound qualities.
The improvisational skills of the two musicians give space to the unexpected and surprising - the fear of the strange, the fear of the unknown manifests itself in their playing. Improvisation is a means of mobilising creative potential and integrating it into the artistic process. We try things out, revolve around something, question, we reject and start again. We surrender to the moment and it is this surrender that makes the moment something special because it cannot be repeated.
It is a multimedia performance: in addition to voice and saxophone, visualisations on TV monitors, projections, as well as white noise and electronic sounds can be heard and seen.